The principal ingredient structure of sunscreen allows it to absorb high-energy ultraviolet rays and release the energy as lower-energy rays, thereby preventing the skin-damaging ultraviolet rays from reaching the skin. Here is a look at some of the common ingredients in sun care products and what they do:

Titanium Dioxide: A physical UV blocker that helps block both UVA and UVB wavelengths. While titanium dioxide gives good protection, it does not completely cover the entire UV-A spectrum.

Zinc Oxide: Another physical blocker that sits on the skin’s surface (is not absorbed) and blocks both UVA and UVB rays of ultraviolet light.

Avobenzone: An oil soluble ingredient used to absorb the full spectrum of UVA rays.

Oxybenzone: An FDA approved UVA absorbing chemical sunscreen ingredient.

PABA (Para-Aminobenzoic Acid): Patented in 1943, PABA was one of the first active UVB absorber ingredients to be used in sunscreen, most commonly during the 1970s. However, it became a frequent cause of contact dermatitis, causing it to fall out of favor. Water-insoluble PABA derivatives such as octyl dimethyl PABA are still currently used in some products.

Vitamins A, E and C: Sunscreens manufacturers are following the trend of adding in a variety of antioxidants to help try to neutralize cellular DNA damage where it's starting (from sun exposure that makes its way through your sunscreen) or help rejuvenate your skin. For those who are looking to avoid vitamin A, particularly if pregnant or nursing, add this to your list of product label reading.

By Amy Burger
DERMAdoctor Staff Writer

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